*Disclaimer: everything referenced on these pages are field notes and observations from a life lived; explored with an inquiry into what is it to be Human Being along with a commitment to be honest and authentic with oneself in all of ones humanity. This is one of many lenses available to look through. This lens gives an access to yourself, your experience and CONSCIOUS CREATION. This is an invitation in, where you will find this vast world and your own learnings. We invite you to try this on, be in inquiry, curious. What does not fit for you, throw it away; toss it out! Please always check in with yourself (inBODY, inMIND, ine.motion, inSPIRIT, inCONSCIOUSCREATION). This is about YOUR relationship with in. Also we recommend you to use your tools and resources at your disposal in this time of innovation and abundance. Consult your range of professionals and medical experts for anything health related; physical, mental or emotional; or dis.ease. (in other words: take GREAT care for yourself first and foremost!). We respect your agency and see you as an advocate for yourself.
Life Artist .School Content Viewing Ratings Used
Y: Designed for Youth | G: Designed for General Audience | PG: Designed for General Audience and may have some content not suitable for all values. Parental Guidance Recommended | R: Designed for Adults. Not recommended for children. |